Shaft coupling applications
Shaft couplings are widely used in production. It is divided into two types: rigid coupling and flexible coupling.
Generally, medium and low power compressors use more flexible couplings, such as pin&bush couplings and nylon pin coupling.
Large-scale symmetrical balanced medium-pressure and high-pressure compressors (such as hydrogen and nitrogen compressors in ammonia plants) have large power and low speed, and are generally directly driven by synchronous motors. The motor and compressor use flange couplings. Compressors also use gear couplings;
When the fan is driven by a coupling, the medium and small centrifugal blowers usually use flexible couplings, and the high-power ones use gear couplings. Centrifugal compressors generally use gear couplings.
Pumps is one of the most widely used chemical machines. Medium and small pumps generally use flexible couplings. High-power axial flow pumps and hydraulic pumps often use synchronous motors as the prime mover, and use flange couplings to connect and drive. High-speed high-power pumps have more gear couplings.
The mixers used in chemical production often use split couplings.and rotary dryers, crushers, ball mills and other mechanical equipment in recent years have widely used hydraulic couplings for transmission. The large-scale boiler feed water pump adopts the speed-adjustable hydraulic coupling, because this coupling has a good performance in regulating the flow, and can reduce the power consumption. The high-pressure methylamine pump in the urea plant is a large-scale plunger pump. In order to adapt to the flow rate changes required by the process, this pump uses a torque converter.
The conveying equipment is a belt drive,commonly used flexible couplings,include: pin&bush couplings, tire couplings, nylon pin couplings, etc. Some transport machinery does not use belt transmission, but uses torque limiting couplings to prevent power overload. For belt conveyors and squeegee conveyors with long body, large inertia, and relatively large impact during start-up, it is more appropriate to use extended-fill or valve-controlled hydraulic couplings.